Monday, January 28, 2019

Dragic Smagic’s Magic Shop

The first thing you will likely notice about Dragic Smagic is that he is a bird. Not that he has a hooked nose or he’s thin. He has actual feathers and actual wings and an actual beak.

He runs this shop in this harbor town because he wants to. He can enchant your items for a price. And the price is always odd. Four feather pillows. Three glass bottles and a bootlace. His reasons are his own.

If you are lucky enough to have what he wants, then so be it. Pay the bird and be on your way. If all you have are shiny coins, well... you have to make an offer. He does collect coins, so you might be able to strike a deal.

Beware using any items enchanted by this weird purveyor of the arcane. Any requests or descriptions will be taken very literally- to an almost malevolent degree.

Is he aware of his folly? Perhaps.