Thursday, July 26, 2018

Short Rest, Long Rest, Full Rest

Life is hard. We all get tired.

So why not rest? Take it easy.

In D&D 5th Edition, resting is an essential part of the adventurer's life. Short rest to regain some hit points. Long rest to regain all your hit points and spells. Roll a few times at night to see if anyone attacks you, then carry on with your adventurey business.

That's really boring and you know it.

It's really unsettling to think that anyone would barricade themselves in someone's home and just expect to be able to sleep the night without any disagreement from the owner. That is what dungeoneers do when they "spike the door" in the middle of a dungeon.

Also, have you ever tried to sleep in jeans? Have you ever tried to sleep in leather armor? Metal plate armor? I have. It's not easy. It's not possible.

All these little rules we overlook for the sake of "fun" ruin the challenge. No challenge, no game. No game, no fun... think about that, fool!

Regain all your hp overnight? Bah! I cut my thumb with a relatively sharp pocket knife and it didn't heal for a week.

What's the solution to these childishly simple mechanics?

Short rest, long rest, FULL REST.

A short rest is the same, roll hit dice, get hp. Spellcasters can use Arcane Recovery to get some spell power back.

A long rest still costs hit dice to heal. No automatic healing! A player has to roll up to their full amount of hit dice and gets back half their hit dice at the end of the long rest. Spellcasters get their spells back.

A full rest is required to achieve NATURAL HEALING, i.e. your body's own repair system.

Have you ever wondered what those "lifestyle" tables were for in the Player's Handbook? Me too. They're worthless. Or they were. NOW... they are part of the FULL REST mechanic.

Full Rest: at least 24 hours, taken in a safe place
Recuperating: You can use downtime between adventures to recover from a debilitating injury, disease, or poison.
Every three days of downtime spent recuperating, you can make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, you can choose one of the following results:
    -End one effect on you that prevents you from regaining hit points.
    -For the next 24 hours, gain advantage on saving throws against one disease or poison currently affecting you.

*Natural Healing: Characters naturally recover hitpoints at a rate of [Character level+ CON modifer + lifestyle bonus] per day. Characters may start a full rest unconscious (i.e. with 0 hitpoints) and characters may lose hp instead of recuperating. Fully healed characters who fully rest may gain temporary hitpoints up to 10% of their maximum and have advantage on all saving throws during the first combat encounter after a full rest.

Lifestyle Recovery Bonus
See Player's Handbook page 186
Lifestyle (PHB 157-158)
Cost/ day
HP recovery bonus / day
1 sp
2 sp
1 gp
2 gp
5 gp
10 gp minimum
10 [+1 per each additional 5 gp spent]

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